Keep it simple
Simplicity is the key element in good out of home creative.
Keep the wording short and sweet.
Avoid spelling out complete sentences.
Don’t use eight words when four will do. Six words or less is a good rule of thumb.
Stick with shorter, simpler words to maximize quick comprehension by motorists.
A single message idea will read quicker
Do not trying to combine multiple offers.
Large text will allow people to see your message from a greater distance.
If your text is too small, it will be hard to read and your audience will not be able to see it entirely.
Use larger text with plenty of room around each letter.
Avoid using all caps or outlines, as they tend to run together from a distance.
Try to keep the copy to one line of text if possible.
Keep the line width of the letters as large as possible, as thin fonts will be lost over distances.
Vary the font size in the letters to create contrast.
Try to create a central theme that motorists can understand.
Humor works well as long as it is easy to get.
Images are just as important to the central theme as the text.
Use clear, high resolution images that are easy to see and tie in to the central theme.
Transform broadcast and print campaigns into persuasive outdoor messages.
Contrasting colors create the most impact from long distances.
Studies have shown that contrasting colors create the most impact.
Neon or fluorescent colors or backgrounds work well.